1. Growth rates of individual freshwater shrimp of the species Atya lanipes and Xiphocaris elongata
were measured in a second-order stream in the Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico over
10 years (1997–2007). Shrimp living at lower altitudes in warmer water and wider stream channels
with more algal and detrital foods were predicted to grow and reproduce more rapidly.
2. Shrimp were marked and recaptured periodically in pools located at three altitudes to determine
whether temperature affected growth rates among individual A. lanipes and X. elongata.
3. Mean annual water temperatures ranged from 20 to 24 °C with the uppermost pool being cooler
than the lower pools. Mean annual growth rates for Atya and Xiphocaris were 0.27 and 0.1 mm carapace
length, respectively, for all three populations.
4. Differences in growth were partially influenced by how each species obtains its food. Atya is a filter
feeder and scraper and has continuous access to suspended organic particles and biofilms. The
slower growth rate for Xiphocaris elongata is most likely a result of the wider range in quality and
accessibility of food resources.
5. Differences in pool morphology and depths probably affected differences in food availability.
Increased leaf litter retention in the deeper upper and lower pools probably increased shrimp growth
rates, while washout of leaf litter from the relatively shallow, elongate mid-altitude pool decreased
Atya lanipes growth rates.
6. These long-lived, slow-growing shrimp species transform a wide range of organic materials into
their biomass. Because of the slow growth rates of these detritivores shrimp, tropical storms, hurricanes,
droughts or other disturbances could have persistent, long-term impacts on detrital processing
and on the populations of their predators.