Abstract- This research paper presents a new designed
program to initially analyze Ischemic Stroke Area from
Computed Tomography Perfusion (CTP) based on Digital
Image Processing Techniques. The MA TLAB program is
applied to develop the designed software to analyze the
Ischemic Stroke Area.
The new designed software can specify Ischemic
Stroke Area by assigning Threshold level of CTP from CBV
(Cerebral Blood Volume) , CBF (Cerebral Blood Flow) and
MTT (Mean Transit Time) images. Our experimental results
will be shown in N-Match (normal tissue areas),D-Match
(dead tissue areas ), Mismatch (blood cot tissue areas) and
Undefined area. Then, separate the brain into left and right to
specify Ischemic Stroke Area.
As a result of experiment in 5 Stroke patients
sample by setting CBV Threshold level to 2.5 ml/lOOg (±1.5) ,
CBF Threshold level to 20 ml/lOOg/min (±1O) and MTT
Threshold level to 7.5 sec (±4.5) , the distribution of N-Match,
D-Match, Mismatch and Undefined depends on their
threshold. So, it is possible to sort elementary information of
left and right side of the brain to specify Ischemic Stroke Area
in order to compare the results with brain specialists.
Abstract- This research paper presents a new designedprogram to initially analyze Ischemic Stroke Area fromComputed Tomography Perfusion (CTP) based on DigitalImage Processing Techniques. The MA TLAB program isapplied to develop the designed software to analyze theIschemic Stroke Area.The new designed software can specify IschemicStroke Area by assigning Threshold level of CTP from CBV(Cerebral Blood Volume) , CBF (Cerebral Blood Flow) andMTT (Mean Transit Time) images. Our experimental resultswill be shown in N-Match (normal tissue areas),D-Match(dead tissue areas ), Mismatch (blood cot tissue areas) andUndefined area. Then, separate the brain into left and right tospecify Ischemic Stroke Area.As a result of experiment in 5 Stroke patientssample by setting CBV Threshold level to 2.5 ml/lOOg (±1.5) ,CBF Threshold level to 20 ml/lOOg/min (±1O) and MTTThreshold level to 7.5 sec (±4.5) , the distribution of N-Match,D-Match, Mismatch and Undefined depends on theirthreshold. So, it is possible to sort elementary information ofleft and right side of the brain to specify Ischemic Stroke Areain order to compare the results with brain specialists.
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