My Lovely Husband.
I'm glad to here from you every days much that's I miss you more and more, Every my berath for now just have you onl, I wistful love from you every day, anytimes, every berath and truly, I'll wait for the day you are ready to see me, it's a wonderful day for us both.
Jerry. Do you believe it.!!!! Just I sit, when I'm work or walk around here, I look like sexy woman much, I don't understand that where in myself can be sexy woman, Sometims I do not even smile.
When I outgo with Annie who see me and every body will turned to look at me. Sometimes I feel be shy much because them look at me only it make me feel same jester, it be like this anytimes at I outgo to buy the goods. So I do not want to go out, just tell Annie go out to buy the thing for me. Annie. No like someone look at me also, Annie tell, she will take good care of me for you only.
Dear Jerry. You have the right to see me every gesture, no matter what, where, how.
Minnie. Excite much at you speak or write with you so much. I like most English much, I feel that who can speak English good as well, that people will looking good and smart much and I will have to speak or write English as well.
We will have activities together and share everything all together, I will taught you speak Thai language by myself, You would be lovely much. I'm not familiar with much spinach but I think, I can eat sure, Because I like eat vegetable most much.
When I was a kid will mother hit me manytime because I do no like eat vegetable, no want inject, no eat medicine, when I'm ill because I'm afraid much. But right now I'm no afraid anythings everythings I eat easy.
If one day we marry, I will make you want me anytimes, you will wistful for me only at you never feel like this before, I dose not intend voluptuous you but I just want stimulus you, just wanna you show your feeling at you want or feel with me truly also as same me.
Dear Jerry. I want you know, What you want, what you feel, how is you have your feeling with me don't be shy or no keep your feeling, don't be keep anythings from you. You must to show me all dear.
My Dear. I wanna you touch on my body all, I imagine