METHODS: Mailed survey of three open-ended questions and standard QOL tools. A QOL conceptual model was used to frame the research study, describe the QOL responses of the participants, and explore the meaning of cancer survivorship. Content analysis was used to answer the research questions. Data collection and analysis occurred sequentially.
MAIN RESEARCH CONCEPTS: Meaning, QOL cancer survivorship. FINDINGS: 25 of 30 inductively derived QOL themes were validated in this study of long-term cancer survivors; 107 additional QOL themes were identified and clustered into 11 over-arching themes across the entire data set. Over-arching themes included struggle between independence-dependence, balance, wholeness, life purpose, reclaiming life, multiple losses, having control, altered meaning of health, and surviving cancer from a family perspective.
IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: The meaning of QOL in long-term cancer survivors is multifaceted and complex.
CONCLUSIONS: Nurses can use this broader conception of QOL in breast cancer survivors to help patients prepare for and cope with adjustments.