one can expect a major delivery of Zn-enriched hot fluids to the surface of the
first continent(s). Zinc could even have been the dominant transition metal in the
continental hydrothermal fluids when the atmospheric pressure changed in the
range from ca. 100 bar to ca. 10 bar (this would correspond to the temperature
of hot fluids reaching 300°C – 200°C, respectively, cf. with the above described
situation at modern hydrothermal vents). Hence, it is possible that the large areas
of first continent(s) could have been covered by porous ZnS precipitates of
hydrothermal origin. These ZnS edifices should have been accessible to solar UV
radiation at the surface of continents and in shallow waters surrounding them
(see Fig. 1). Hereafter, the term “sub-aerial” is used to denote illuminated settings
where the UV-rich solar light could have served as an energy source for primordial
syntheses (see also [25,114,177]).
one can expect a major delivery of Zn-enriched hot fluids to the surface of thefirst continent(s). Zinc could even have been the dominant transition metal in thecontinental hydrothermal fluids when the atmospheric pressure changed in therange from ca. 100 bar to ca. 10 bar (this would correspond to the temperatureof hot fluids reaching 300°C – 200°C, respectively, cf. with the above describedsituation at modern hydrothermal vents). Hence, it is possible that the large areasof first continent(s) could have been covered by porous ZnS precipitates ofhydrothermal origin. These ZnS edifices should have been accessible to solar UVradiation at the surface of continents and in shallow waters surrounding them(see Fig. 1). Hereafter, the term “sub-aerial” is used to denote illuminated settingswhere the UV-rich solar light could have served as an energy source for primordialsyntheses (see also [25,114,177]).
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