method for
calculating the machine
breakdown cost. the breakdown cost is gained via dividing the production time by
the mean time between the failure and then multiplying this by the machine breakdown cost.Plus
in their research they made attempt to minimize the sum of intra-cell movement
cost and machine break down cost in order to solve the cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing system.
Elleuch et al.(2008)
proposed a solution for overcoming the negative effects of machine breakdown in cellular manufacturing system.
Their solution was based on principle of virtual cell and also it noted to inter-cell material transfer for decreasing the negative impacts of machine breakdown.
control and improve the system efficiency under the breakdown situation.
Plus, Ahkioon el al (2009) investigated on designing the CMS. they considered machine procurement,production planning, system reconfiguration and routing flexibility in their research. An important aspect of their research is related to routing flexibility.
Due to machine breakdown which may occur in the system,their work allows to CMS to operate in a continuous manner by choosing another route. Considering rout flexibility was a method in their research for overcoming the breakdown problem.