Major postharvest challenge of mushroom includes high transpiration rate resulting in rapid weight loss
and the risk of water vapour condensation inside the package, which results in accelerated deterioration
in quality and decay. Thus, this study investigated the transpiration behaviour of mushroom under
various combinations of storage temperature (4, 12 and 20 C) and relative humidity (RH) (76, 86, 96 and
100%) and assessed the impact of salt embedded humidity-regulating tray on humidity and condensation
behaviour in mushroom package at 7 C and 85% RH. The impact of humidity-regulating and
control-polypropylene (control-PP) trays on condensation and quality of mushroom was evaluated after
6 days. Despite the saturated RH condition, across all temperatures studied, mushrooms stored at 100%
RH lost moisture at the rate of 0.03–0.22 mg kg1 s1
. Humidity-regulating tray maintained a stable RH
(93%) inside the package and it absorbed 4.1 g of water vapour within 6 days at 7 C and 85% RH storage
condition. Humidity-regulating tray better maintained the quality of mushrooms compared to control-PP
tray, but it absorbed only 4.1 g of water vapour in 6 days which was not enough to prevent water
condensation in the package headspace for mushrooms.