1. Capturing animals is cruel, period. Animals have their own rights, and they have their own lives in the wild. Capturing them destroys their routines and their way of life. For example elephants travel long distances in the wild in large groups that is their way of life. When elephants are in a zoo, they can’t travel long distances, in fact, the amount they can move can barely be named as worthy of travel.
2. Moreover, animals that are confined to the zoo suffer from negative psychological effects due to the confinement. It doesn’t really matter how good the facilities of the zoo are, or how much space the animal has for itself, it will still not be comparable in any way to the freedom they would have in the wild.
3. Furthermore, animals that are born in zoos and confined to their boundaries their whole life never get to see their natural habitat, and never get to live life like they should be living it. This is something that can be noticed by their abnormal behavior, since they’re not where they should be – it is not natural for them. If these animals ever get released to the wild for any reason, they will have an extremely difficult time adapting to their natural habitat, because they had absolutely no former experience of it. They were taken care of all their lives, and now have to provide for themselves, something they are not used to.
4. Regarding education in zoos, although they do provide a lot of it, most of us go to the zoo as a way to spend time and for recreational purposes. No one really goes visit the zoo with the same mentality people visit the museum with. Moreover, some visitors actually don’t care about the well-being of animals, and many of them actually abuse them by throwing them objects, teasing them, yelling at them, and so on. This kind of behavior has an extremely negative effect on animals, and it can often result in psychological damage to animals, and sometimes it can even prove to be fatal. Animals caged in zoos aren’t able to exhibit their natural behavior as they should, and teasing them will greatly damage their self-confidence and their comfort in the zoo itself.