the molecular fractions, obtained from the liquid chromatography, in the oils indicate that the
synthesized MCM-48 causes the increment of mono-, and di-aromatic HCs in accordance with decreasing
saturated, poly-, and polar-aromatic HCs. As previously explained, the non-acidic MCM-48 has mild
cracking activity with meso pore sizes, allowing large molecules to enter; thus, the amounts of poly- and
polar-aromatics slightly decrease. In addition, saturated HCs are found decreasing as well. On the other
hand, Ru loading on the MCM-48 support can dramatically improve saturated HCs in accordance with
decreasing all aromatic compounds, indicating that Ru metal can promote high hydrogenation reaction.
Consequently, multi-ring aromatics, especially poly- and polar-aromatic HCs, can be hydrogenated on the
metal sites. Therefore, saturated HCs are increased at the expense of aromatic compounds from using the
Ru/MCM-48 catalyst. Table 2 also shows that MCM-48 and Ru/MCM-48 insignificantly reduce the
amount of sulfur in oil, because the sulfur slightly changes as compared to the non-catalytic case. This
indicates the mild cracking activity of MCM-48 and the low activity of Ru on breaking C-S bonds in the
pyrolytic oil. Due to the low C-S bond cracking activity, sulfur deposition on the spent catalysts is low as