Qɨi – the total discharge of pollutants by i -ingredient at the beginning of the forecast period; ǻQi – reducing the discharge of pollutants by i -ingredient at the end of the forecast period due to the introduction of measures to reduce negative impacts on the natural environment.
4) The rate of contamination of soils (Sn). The indicator aims but the assessment of the effectiveness of waste management systems at work, at home, and ecological safety of production (Eq. 4):
ܵ = σ(1 െ οܵ /ܵ ) (4)
Sɨi – the number of i-th type of waste at the beginning of the forecast period; ǻSi – reducing the number of i-th
type of waste at the end of the forecast period for the reuse and recycling of waste.
5) The figure of territory (Fn) seized from the nature of the settlement (Eq. 5):
ܵ = σ(1 െ οܵ /ܵ ) (5)
Fɨi – the area of settlement at the beginning of the forecast period; ǻFi – the increase of the area of the settlement
by reducing the space occupied by the waste dumps at the end of the forecast period.
6) The energy intensity of building products (EIn) reflects the consumption of fuel and energy resources throughout the life cycle of the building (Eq. 6):
ܫܧ = σ(1 െ οܫܧ /ܫܧ ) (6)
EIɨi – the total quantity of fossil fuels consumed in the production of construction products at the beginning of the
forecast period; ǻEIi – the reduction of fossil fuel at the end of the forecast period.
The composite index of ecological safety of civil buildings (CI) is determined by the equation 7 under combined action of individual indicators (Eq. 1í6):
ܫܥ = (ܹ ή ܷ ή ܳ ή ܵ ή ܨ ή ܫܧ)ଵ
< 1 (7)
buildings throughout the life cycle. Analysis of the composite index of ecological safety of civil buildings is associated with its reduction due to the corresponding decrease each of the constituent values of selected indicators.
4. Key findings
In the construction industry about 70% of the civil construction is achieved through the application of industrial technologies in Russia. Structural systems of civil buildings have undergone significant changes in the direction of the resource. However, further improvement of such structural systems is not exhausted [6, 15, 21]. For example, in the practice of civil engineering apply constructive solutions to the building frame of the industrial panel elements [4, 10], including load-bearing longitudinal and transverse wall panels connected to the floor slab, self-supporting outer walls are applied. Disadvantages of constructive solutions are as follows: longitudinal and transverse wall panels are made of structural concrete. Structural concrete has a high consumption of materials and energy. Slabs have a high intensity, low sound insulation performance. The intermediate joints of exterior walls may be susceptible to freezing, as they are not insulated and should not have thermal protection [10, 19]. These disadvantages can be eliminated by creating and implementing new industrial energy-efficient and resource-efficient structural systems of FLYLO EXLOGLQJV >25í27@ RQ WKH EDVLV RI WKH UHVRXUFH FFOH ORZ-waste technologies (Fig. 1).