Apart from expressing ideas and emotions, the youth use these sites in order to communicate with other people. They are able to keep in touch with their friends without having to exert money and effort in meeting up with them at some place. It is cheaper than using a cellphone because they wouldn’t have to spend on load in order to text or call their friends using cellular phones and it is faster than snail mail because you wouldn’t have to go to the post office to mail it and wait for a few days just so your friends can receive it. It makes communicating easier and faster. Also, one is able to communicate with their friends at any time of the day. They will be able to satisfy their immediate social needs at any given time in the comfort of their own homes. They wouldn’t have to worry about spending money on transportation as well as on load just to meet up with friends. Also, they need not exert effort in going out of the house as well as worry regarding the dangers which they may encounter outside of the house. This makes everything convenient for out modern youth; however, they should know how to use these properly. The youth of today tend to put this first before accomplishing home works and projects. They would rather spend their extra time in chatting with friends rather than studying their lessons in advance. Some would even opt to just forget about their projects and home works entirely inn order to use these sites. Teenagers nowadays are sometimes inclined to satisfy their social needs first before accomplishing what it is they need for school.
There are also those who prefer to explore the more functional side of these networking sites by using it for school-related or academic purposes. There are students who would arrange online conferences in order to talk with each other regarding group projects after school hours. This makes it more convenient for them because they don’t have to stay too long in school just to talk about their project. Some would decide to create Facebook pages or Yahoo groups for their sections/classes. They use these groups in order to remind each other about home works and projects which are nearing the deadline. They sometimes use these to announce upcoming school events as well as the details to the projects given by the professors. They are able to discuss with each other the unclear parts of a professor’s lecture. These groups also make it more convenient for the class officers to communicate with the class—e.g. a teacher asks for each of the students’ 1×1 pictures from the secretary, the secretary will simply post in the group that each one of the students must provide him with their pictures the following day. Also, there are professors nowadays who opt to send in advance their powerpoint presentations to the students so that they may be able to read it before the discussion and be able to participate during the discussion. Some would even send the details of their assignments and projects for the class in order to save time—they wouldn’t have to explain it further in class because everything is already in the e-mail/ post. This is really useful for the students of today; however, some negative effects also accompany it. This helps students aid each other for school but it makes them depend solely on each other and it makes them take things for granted. Everything is already given to them—the powerpoint presentations, links for their research, etc. They would of course take these and review them rather than research on their own. It’s making life too easy for the students.
No doubt, Social Networking Sites are of great help in the youth’s daily life; however, it has positive and negative effects which depend on how a person will utilize it. Social Networking Sites can benefit us in numerous ways and that it can make life easier for us; however, we should keep in mind that everything in life should be taken in moderation —in this case, done in moderation. We should always set our priorities straight and remember that despite being given all that we need, a little extra work wouldn’t do us harm.