Hello Guys, how are you? I hope you're fine, well feel betther than me.. :/
I have since 4 Weeks Problems with my Skyrim, well i use this "Navetsea" Blender Programs, Fitness Body and Body Options.
I never had Problems with it, and i played Skyrim many Months, with it, also i know how to use it, if i blend something wrong and so then i have this Black Blocky Texture Problem. Well okay so far..
One Day, i played Skyrim and then i had this Blocky Texture Problem without warning, i was thinking "wtf? why this?" O.o
Then i decided to reinstall all Blender Programs, also delete the Texture-Files and the Folders of my Female Char and the Blenders.
Started Skyrim..
And like expected! :)
My Skyrim uses the Vanilla Textures on my Char and has this Seam-Problem on Hips, but this is because i use CBBE Body and it Automaticially uses the Vanilla textures when no other Textures are in the Data....Textures..../female folders.
And I had nomore this Blocky Black texture Problem.. for sure!
But then......
I installed the Body Blenders...
Done Everything like the Description says, like i always did, i used the Body Options Blender to make my Body Texture, and then i use the Fitness Blender and make this Overlay for Abs and such..
All Files i've blended it saves into the correct skyrim folder.
The Blenders also show me the Images when i click preview..
Also in the textures.. female... folders it Adds or replaces the Files (Windows shows me the Date and Hour is the same like i blended)
And ingame this..(Look at the Pictures)
AND also my char shows a "Black Panty Tan?" O.o
Its so weird, or i am so stupid and don't find the reason for this all..
It is like my Game uses two *.dds files at the same, with the installed ones is everything correct..
- It looks like i used the Blenders Wrong and not as i should but i klicked on the Drop down menu on the option, then Body and Feet, then klick onto the option i want to blend, then preview and blend. then reselect the option from the drop down menu, klick the next thing to blend, preview and blend.. also i blend the options one after another, like i should from 1 to 2 to 3... 4... and not 1...4.. then 2..
Like he wrote in the description of the Mod Download Page on Nexus..
Also the Path where the Blender Programs should install the Textures is correct in the xml file i opened with Notepad++
It makes me goin crazy.. and sad.. :*( also i tried delete all savegames and start a new savegame, i remember someone here on LL wrote in a Thread that this Bug maybe will be saved in a Savegame, and all Savegames i saved FROM this Buggy Savegame..
I remember i used BodySlide to Make a Body and since this i cant get rid of this Blocky Textures, doesent matter if i reinstall the blenders and textures..
Greetings, sad Khajii.. :*(