Laos or another official name is the Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a country in which there is no exit to the sea. It is located in the South-East Asia has 236000 square kilometers. Bordering with China North Adjacent to the North West of Myanmar Tagged with Viet Nam in the East Adjacent to Cambodia to the South and Thailand to the West. Most of the areas are mountains complex. As the origin of a major river to 13 strings together such as dedicated. Water nguem Water-water brand, lining d Etc., the most important river of Laos and the international river is the Mekong River. Contains the highest mountains in the country. In many mountain road, Xieng Khouang is higher than 2000 m, the highest peak in the country is the Phu BIA. With a height of about 2820 m, which stands South of Tung Hai rocks. Lawo's weather is tropical. Geography differ quite a lot So the central region until the northern winter weather because it is adjacent to China, there are high mountains. For the South end are hills, adjacent to Cambodia. The Assembly has been influenced by monsoon in the South China Sea.
There is the capital Vientiane in Laos, which is the most important and the largest of the country. Located in the middle of Nongkhai province in Laos near Thailand as one of the nation's capital is the current ASEAN-centered politics. The center of economic and investment. Education & transportation