ATMs are robots. They are very simplistic,
purpose-built robots – but they provide
consistent, convenient, low-cost service and
customers have grown to trust them. The
same principles will apply to other, more
sophisticated financial services applications.
There have been astonishing advances
in robotics and AI, machine learning and
pattern recognition in recent years. Over
the next five years, we will see a shift from
standalone uses to full integration into a
company’s business-as-usual activities.
ATMs are robots. They are very simplistic,purpose-built robots – but they provideconsistent, convenient, low-cost service andcustomers have grown to trust them. Thesame principles will apply to other, moresophisticated financial services applications.There have been astonishing advancesin robotics and AI, machine learning andpattern recognition in recent years. Overthe next five years, we will see a shift fromstandalone uses to full integration into acompany’s business-as-usual activities.
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