taste was not a significant parameter in the TI analysis for both
grape varieties. It is interesting to note that the addition of botrytized
grapes raised the bitter Imax in the same significant way than
extending skin contact from 8 to 35 h did. In general, Gewürztraminer
wine made by fermentation on skins had the highest Imax and
area under the curve, whereas whole cluster pressing and 8 h of
skin contact yielded wines with the lowest Imax and area under
the curve among all samples.
Temporal dominance of sensations analysis
According to the TDS curves of the 2009 Gewürztraminer in
Fig. 2a–d, sweetness was the first dominating taste whose
prevalence lasted for eight to twelve seconds. Only for whole cluster
pressing, sourness appeared slightly above the chance level,
which may be due to the higher acidity and lower pH (Table 7).
Extending skin contact diminished sourness and increased the
dominance of hot perception. The mid-palate and aftertaste was
dominated by bitterness. Overall longer skin contact time enhanced
domination of sweetness in frequency and duration, while the time
course of bitter dominance did not change much. Due to the application
of extended skin contact (35 h) and even fermentation on the
skins, TDS curves of the 2010 Gewürztraminer wines in Fig. 3a–f
differed to a larger extent than for the 2009 wines. Again, sweetness
dominated first, followed shortly by sourness. Skin contact, occurring
either during three hours of pressing in the 0 h maceration
treatment and during the eight hours skin contact treatment,
enhanced the sweetness perception, although related chemical
compounds such as glucose, fructose, glycerol or ethanol did not
increase (Table 7). However, extending skin contact further to
35 h or even 6 days during fermentation on the skins, diminished
the dominance of sweetness again (Fig. 3e and f). The aftertaste of
the wines was either dominated by sourness (whole cluster pressing,
8 and 35 h of skin contact), bitterness (0 and 8 h skin contact
plus botrytized grape material) or astringency (fermentation on
the skins). Comparing 8 h skin contact with and without 30% botrytized
grape material, it seems that infection with B. cinerea
enhanced the bitter taste as shown by the dominance of bitterness
between 15 and 30 s. At the same time, sourness perception was
either lower or masked by the bitter taste. Astringency dominance
was also slightly elevated due to infection with B. cinerea.
TDS curves for 2010 Riesling wines in Fig. 4a–d revealed sourness
as the most dominating sensation during the first 10 s, eventually
accompanied by a dominating sweetness in the whole
cluster pressing and 24 h skin contact treatment. The aftertaste
was characterized as sour or bitter in combination with an astringent
Post hoc tests of the parameters extracted from the TDS curves
are shown in Table 5. In contrast to the DA and TI results, TDS
taste was not a significant parameter in the TI analysis for bothgrape varieties. It is interesting to note that the addition of botrytizedgrapes raised the bitter Imax in the same significant way thanextending skin contact from 8 to 35 h did. In general, Gewürztraminerwine made by fermentation on skins had the highest Imax andarea under the curve, whereas whole cluster pressing and 8 h ofskin contact yielded wines with the lowest Imax and area underthe curve among all samples.Temporal dominance of sensations analysisAccording to the TDS curves of the 2009 Gewürztraminer inFig. 2a–d, sweetness was the first dominating taste whoseprevalence lasted for eight to twelve seconds. Only for whole clusterpressing, sourness appeared slightly above the chance level,which may be due to the higher acidity and lower pH (Table 7).Extending skin contact diminished sourness and increased thedominance of hot perception. The mid-palate and aftertaste wasdominated by bitterness. Overall longer skin contact time enhanceddomination of sweetness in frequency and duration, while the timecourse of bitter dominance did not change much. Due to the applicationof extended skin contact (35 h) and even fermentation on theskins, TDS curves of the 2010 Gewürztraminer wines in Fig. 3a–fdiffered to a larger extent than for the 2009 wines. Again, sweetnessdominated first, followed shortly by sourness. Skin contact, occurringeither during three hours of pressing in the 0 h maceration
treatment and during the eight hours skin contact treatment,
enhanced the sweetness perception, although related chemical
compounds such as glucose, fructose, glycerol or ethanol did not
increase (Table 7). However, extending skin contact further to
35 h or even 6 days during fermentation on the skins, diminished
the dominance of sweetness again (Fig. 3e and f). The aftertaste of
the wines was either dominated by sourness (whole cluster pressing,
8 and 35 h of skin contact), bitterness (0 and 8 h skin contact
plus botrytized grape material) or astringency (fermentation on
the skins). Comparing 8 h skin contact with and without 30% botrytized
grape material, it seems that infection with B. cinerea
enhanced the bitter taste as shown by the dominance of bitterness
between 15 and 30 s. At the same time, sourness perception was
either lower or masked by the bitter taste. Astringency dominance
was also slightly elevated due to infection with B. cinerea.
TDS curves for 2010 Riesling wines in Fig. 4a–d revealed sourness
as the most dominating sensation during the first 10 s, eventually
accompanied by a dominating sweetness in the whole
cluster pressing and 24 h skin contact treatment. The aftertaste
was characterized as sour or bitter in combination with an astringent
Post hoc tests of the parameters extracted from the TDS curves
are shown in Table 5. In contrast to the DA and TI results, TDS
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