On statistics, computation and scalability
Department of Statistics and Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, CA,
USA. E-mail: jordan@stat.berkeley.edu; url: www.cs.berkeley.edu/˜jordan
How should statistical procedures be designed so as to be scalable computationally to the massive
datasets that are increasingly the norm? When coupled with the requirement that an answer to
an inferential question be delivered within a certain time budget, this question has significant
repercussions for the field of statistics. With the goal of identifying “time-data tradeoffs,” we
investigate some of the statistical consequences of computational perspectives on scability, in
particular divide-and-conquer methodology and hierarchies of convex relaxations.
The fields of computer science and statistics have undergone mostly separate evolutions
during their respective histories. This is changing, due in part to the phenomenon of
“Big Data.” Indeed, science and technology are currently generating very large datasets
and the gatherers of these data have increasingly ambitious inferential goals, trends
which point towards a future in which statistics will be forced to deal with problems of
scale in order to remain relevant. Currently the field seems little prepared to meet this
challenge. To the key question “Can you guarantee a certain level of inferential accuracy
within a certain time budget even as the data grow in size?” the field is generally silent.
Many statistical procedures either have unknown runtimes or runtimes that render the
procedure unusable on large-scale data. Although the field of sequential analysis provides
tools to assess risk after a certain number of data points have arrived, this is different from
an algorithmic analysis that predicts a relationship between time and risk. Faced with
this situation, gatherers of large-scale data are often forced to turn to ad hoc procedures
that perhaps do provide algorithmic guarantees but which may provide no statistical
guarantees and which in fact may have poor or even disastrous statistical properties.
On the other hand, the field of computer science is also currently poorly equipped
to provide solutions to the inferential problems associated with Big Data. Database researchers
rarely view the data in a database as noisy measurements on an underlying
population about which inferential statements are desired. Theoretical computer scientists
are able to provide analyses of the resource requirements of algorithms (e.g., time
and space), and are often able to provide comparative analyses of different algorithms
for solving a given problem, but these problems rarely refer to inferential goals. In particular,
the notion that it may be possible to save on computation because of the growth of statistical power as problem instances grow in size is not (yet) a common perspective
in computer science.
In this paper we discuss some recent research initiatives that aim to draw computer
science and statistics closer together, with particular reference to “Big Data” problems.
There are two main underlying perspectives driving these initiatives, both of which
present interesting conceptual challenges for statistics. The first is that large computational
problems are often usefully addressed via some notion of “divide-and-conquer.”
That is, the large problem is divided into subproblems that are hopefully simpler than
the original problem, these subproblems are solved (sometimes again with a divide-andconquer
strategy) and the solutions are pieced together to solve the original problem. In
the statistical setting, one natural subdivision strategy involves breaking the data into
subsets. The estimator of interest is applied to the subsets and the results are combined.
The challenge in the statistical setting is that the analysis of subsets of data may present
different statistical properties than the overall dataset. For example, confidence intervals
based on subsets of data will generally be wider than confidence intervals based on the
original data; thus, care must be taken that the overall divide-and-conquer procedure
yields a correctly calibrated interval.
The second perspective involves a notion of “algorithmic weakening,” whereby we do
not consider a single algorithm for solving an inference problem, but instead consider a
hierarchy of algorithms that are ordered by computational complexity. As data accrue,
we want to back off to cheaper algorithms that run more quickly and deliver a result
that would be viewed as being of poorer quality from a classical algorithmic point of
view. We hope to do this in a way such that the increasing statistical strength of the
data compensate for the poor algorithmic quality, so that in fact the overall quality
of inference increases as data accrue, even if we impose a computational budget. The
challenge is to do this in a theoretically sound way.
The remainder of the paper is organized into three subsections, the first two concerned
with divide-and-conquer algorithms, and the third concerned with algorithmic weakening.