Answers to the hypotheses
Based on the results showed above we answered the hypotheses we stated.
1. The first hypothesis which stated that mainstream P.E. teachers don’t know
the practice of inclusion, they don’t have experience and qualification to teach
children with disability in the class seemed to be true.
2. Our second hypothesis which says P.E. teachers don’t know the laws and acts
concerning integration/inclusion is also true.
3. Although the NCC is the first central document which can be used in the
inclusive setting as well, teachers don’t think it is useful in case there is a child
with disability in mainstream school. Our hypothesis seemed to be false
because they don’t believe that the presently existing guidelines and helps are
enough for special planning. They wish to have more detailed information on
inclusive setting and act in future in the central document.
4. Our fourth hypothesis which stated that teachers don’t know so they don’t
know how to apply parts of the NCC which were written in favour of children
with disabilities or the Curricular Guidelines of Children with Disabilities in
School Education, published by the Ministry of Education seemed to be true
and we keep it.
5. Our fifth hypothesis which says that teachers are not willing to participate in
further education programs to receive more information on
integration/inclusion seemed to be true. Although they expressed concern for
the need of such further education they would like to participate.
6. The sixth hypothesis stated that in the teachers’ work group work doesn’t have
a dominant role which means teachers are not asking help from each other or
from other experts also seemed to be true. The “we all work together for one
common goal” viewpoint is not wildly spread yet in Hungary which means an
obstacle in the successful inclusion of the child with disability into the
mainstream school.
7. Our next hypothesis is kept, true, because P.E. teachers are not satisfied with
the terminology describing the inclusive setting that is why they mix up the
terminology and misuse it. The preparation of P.E. teachers for the inclusion is
missing from the educational system.
8. The eighth hypothesis is kept as well as it seemed to be true. Teachers
reported that they need special education teacher help on the P.E. lesson if
there is a child with disability present.
9. The next hypothesis which says “P.E. teachers are not satisfied with the
existing educational situation, practice, theoretical background and the
usefulness applicability of the laws and acts, they wish to have several
changes in order to have successful and barrier-free education every child with
disability in mainstream schools” seems to be true so we keep it. They also
mentioned the poor school-infrastructure as an origin of problems (lack of
equipments, high number of students in class, barriers).
10. The hypothesis which says the older a teacher is the less support he gives for
inclusive education while younger teachers or teachers with less practical
experience show favourable attitude towards integration seemed to be true
because we received significant results after analysis (Pearson Chi-square test
คำตอบของสมมุติฐานตามผลที่แสดงข้างต้นเราตอบสมมุติฐานที่เราระบุไว้1.สมมติฐานแรกที่สำคัญบริษัทพีอีครูไม่รู้แบบฝึกหัดรวม พวกเขาไม่มีประสบการณ์และคุณสมบัติที่จะสอนเด็กพิการในห้องดูเหมือนจะ เป็นจริง2. ของสมมติฐานที่สองที่กล่าวว่า ครูบริษัทพีอีไม่รู้กฎหมายและทำหน้าที่เกี่ยวกับการรวม/รวมก็จริง3. แม้ว่า NCC ถือเป็นเอกสารกลางแรกซึ่งสามารถใช้ในการรวมการตั้งค่าเช่น ครูไม่คิดว่า จะมีประโยชน์ในกรณีที่มีเด็กพิการในโรงเรียนหลัก สมมติฐานของเราดูเหมือนจะ เป็นเท็จเพราะไม่เชื่อว่า แนวทางที่มีอยู่ปัจจุบันและช่วยให้มีเพียงพอสำหรับการวางแผนพิเศษ พวกเขาต้องการมีเพิ่มเติมรายละเอียดในรวมการตั้งค่าและกระทำในอนาคตในเอกสารกลาง4. เราสมมติฐานสี่ซึ่งระบุว่า ครูไม่รู้ดังนั้นพวกเขาไม่รู้วิธีการใช้ส่วนของ NCC ที่ถูกเขียนลงเด็กทุพพลภาพหรือเสริมคำแนะนำของเด็กพิการในโรงเรียนศึกษา จัดพิมพ์ โดยกระทรวงศึกษาธิการดูเหมือนจะ เป็นจริงและเราเก็บไว้5. สมมติฐานของเราห้าซึ่งกล่าวว่า การที่ ครูไม่เต็มใจเข้าร่วมในโปรแกรมศึกษาต่อเพื่อรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมในรวม/รวมดูเหมือนจริง ถึงแม้ว่าพวกเขาแสดงความกังวลในthe need of such further education they would like to participate.6. The sixth hypothesis stated that in the teachers’ work group work doesn’t havea dominant role which means teachers are not asking help from each other orfrom other experts also seemed to be true. The “we all work together for onecommon goal” viewpoint is not wildly spread yet in Hungary which means anobstacle in the successful inclusion of the child with disability into themainstream school.7. Our next hypothesis is kept, true, because P.E. teachers are not satisfied withthe terminology describing the inclusive setting that is why they mix up theterminology and misuse it. The preparation of P.E. teachers for the inclusion ismissing from the educational system.8. The eighth hypothesis is kept as well as it seemed to be true. Teachersreported that they need special education teacher help on the P.E. lesson ifthere is a child with disability present.9. The next hypothesis which says “P.E. teachers are not satisfied with theexisting educational situation, practice, theoretical background and theusefulness applicability of the laws and acts, they wish to have severalchanges in order to have successful and barrier-free education every child withdisability in mainstream schools” seems to be true so we keep it. They alsomentioned the poor school-infrastructure as an origin of problems (lack ofequipments, high number of students in class, barriers).10. The hypothesis which says the older a teacher is the less support he gives forinclusive education while younger teachers or teachers with less practicalexperience show favourable attitude towards integration seemed to be truebecause we received significant results after analysis (Pearson Chi-square testp<0.001).11. Our next hypothesis stated that those teachers who have more experience inteaching children with disabilities have significantly better, favourable attitudethan those who have no experience didn’t seem to be true so we deny it.According to the analysis the tests didn’t show significant difference betweenthe two variables (Pearson Chi-square test p=0.183).12. Our last hypothesis stated that those P.E. teachers who have qualification toteach children with disabilities have more positive attitude towards inclusiveeducation and we deny it as it didn’t seem to be true in our research becausewe didn’t find significant connection between the two variables (Pearson Chisquaretest p=0.338).
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