Development of a suitable immunoprophylactic control
strategy for this parasite involves identification of new
target antigens, adjuvant development and better understanding
of the host immune pathways and parasite immune
evasion mechanisms. But to date, no successful vaccine
could be developed against this disease. Research has been
focused on several defined antigens of the fluke including
glutathione S-transferase (GST), fatty acid binding protein
(FABP), cathepsin-L, fluke haemoglobin, paramyosin,
myosin and leucine aminopeptidase. These molecules are
involved in various metabolic processes that are crucial to
the survival of the parasite. GST belongs to a family of
enzymes that are involved in the cellular detoxification
process. They function primarily by catalyzing the conjugation
of the glutathione to a wide variety of electrophilic