The cones are laid out as per the diagram, with four marker cones placed in a diamond shape, and one in the middle. The outer cones are each placed 3 meters from the center. The player crouches behind and with their left hand on the middle cone, facing forwards (towards cone 5). The player then turns and runs to the right and touches the cone (2) with their hand. They then turn back and run to the center cone, out to the next cone (3), back to the center, out to the next cone (4), back to the center and then finally turn and finish by running through the finish line at cone 5. The player is required to touch the cone with their hand at each turn. Timing starts when the hand comes off the center cone, and stops when the chest passes through the line of the final cone. Rest for three minutes, then repeat the drill, moving in the opposite direction (counterclockwise, cones in order 1-4-3-2-5).