2.8.1. Direct application of antagonists
2.8.2. Application of antagonistic crude extracts
For each isolate, a three-fold MIC concentration of crude extract
in sterile distilled water was prepared and mixed thoroughly for
10 min. Treatments were performed as described in the previous
section with a few differences as follows: 100 mL of suspension was
spread in a radius of 20 mm around the wound by means of sterile
swabs. After air-drying the applied suspension, four treatments
designed for each crude sample of Actinomycetes: (A) 10 wounded
apple fruit were treated with 100 mL sterile distilled, (B)
10 wounded apple fruit were inoculated with 100 mL of crude
sample of Actinomycete isolate, (C) 10 wounded apple fruit were
inoculated with 6 mm disks of well-grown culture of C. gloeosporioides,
(D) 10 fruit were inoculated
first with 100 mL of crude
sample of Actinomycete isolate followed by 6 mm disks of wellgrown
cultures (possessing abundant conidia) of the pathogen. All
treatments were packed in separate, sealed, plastic bags and
incubated at 28 C for 16 days. Progress of the disease was
monitored at 4 days intervals by measuring the diameter of rotten
areas for statistical analysis.