Our beloved king
If we ask, who are your beloved people? Some of them will probably answer either mother or father, the others, teacher or friend. However, there is one person whom everyone loves. Guess who? He is our distinguished king-beloved king. He is the one who influences our daily life. He is the center of our hearts. Although, time has passed, our love on our beloved king won’t pass at all.
“We shall reign with righteousness, for the benefits and happiness of the Siamese people.” Here is the famous quote of our beloved king. As we can see from T.V., he did as what he had said. He has intentionally devoted all his time and effort to the wellbeing and welfare of the Thai people. He always took care of every Thai person regardless of citizen status, ethnicity or religion. He always thought that his citizens should come first. This shows that he is the broad-minded man. Every sweat from his face shows that he is the hard-working man. He won’t be the ruler who orders what the governor should do, but he will be the ruler and performer.
With extreme concern about his subjects, he has a great number of projects to relieve their trouble. They work very well. His projects are based on agriculture because he realizes that farming is the foundation of Thailand, therefore he has come up with the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. It provides the three principles; moderation, reasonableness and self-immunity. He strongly believes that if his citizens adapt it to their life, they can live without a lot of money. Money can’t buy everything.
For many decades of governing, everything he did has reflected his virtue central to his development, He is the embodiment of integrity, modesty, hospitality, rationality and moderation. I think we can say, he is one of the best kings on this planet.
Recently, Human Development Lifetime Achievement Award is given to our beloved king. Why? It‘s because he has demonstrated outstanding performances and invaluable contribution to human development especially in rural areas. And this is a great honor, as this is the first time such an award has been awarded. It can promote Thailand as one of the effective countries around the world.
Every year on 5th December, there will be a ceremony for our king’s birthday. Yet, last year and this year is a special year seeing that it was on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary to the throne and this year is 80th Birthday Anniversary. How can we show respect to him? Some people wear yellow clothes with an emblem of King’s seal, others came to the palace to wait for their beloved king to greet them. Or others may do both. When it was the time for the king to meet his subjects, they sincerely express their feeling by shouting as loudly as possible “Long Live the King“. Moreover, some people couldn’t keep back their emotions, thus on their face came tears. It was not tears for sadness, it‘s tear for delight. It’s the delight of living in such a great country with a great King and leader.