I was secretly listening to the conversations and it will frustration.
During "the farmer," with a "start-up".
When they're talking about the economy of Thailand
SSH: this terrible economic range! " About the rice. "
Place: "there are no bad economy now where do hue" (a strong sigh).
Wish: "do not touch, but now it's really not bad."
Place: "why don't you know the welcome something new" (mouth mouth.)
Wish: "adapt and learn, but it's not."
Place: "what do you think shows that it is not good and is not enough."
Wish: "just about anything new is rice."
Davis: "at full speed ... you find electrical testers.
Create a machine to reduce costs. Reduction of labor.
Why not think developing anything new "(to scorn-staggering Chief.)
SSH:, but the rice was persecution of capitalists middlemen.
Place: you can't build a new system from the system?
SSH: I tried, but the money is not enough.
Davis: that's your problem, not me.
SSH: I tried every possible way, but it was.
Place: more than I have now, I tried the same in every way (put rice and Pak Lap.)
Wish you were eating: rice is rice that I planted.
Davis: and then?
SSH: If there are no people in me. People like you do not have to eat khaodi.
Davis: I have to pay just the end.
SSH: you do not understand the people who do not have money, then you're.
Place: because you have the money to come to you is not.
SSH: try and learn it! (shout)
Place: try anything silly WA (shout) it does not understand the changes.
A model for the future is to work smarter. Unique capabilities.
High demand skills can be added according to the non-glued worked as a Buffalo cow!!
(Silent temporarily.)
Drought: have you ever see a news show GDP see locals. View all store? whether bad layout?
Davis: I see Youtube Treasury itself. Sangkhomdi is selected. Best buy purchase online of my
SSH: you don't know if they are good.
Place: they are poor because they don't know how. XI.
SSH: you know they don't have to.
Davis: look, they also sell online does not extend to the same way.
Wish: but the layout could be trying to reduce inventory management costs.
Place: it is not. Struggling to survive the so called page layouts.
SSH: some cost almost died!
Place: do not know XI. The revenue increase is twice as much hair as compared to the year before.
SSH: and if you do, everyone who comes into the workforce?
Place: mother's head mechanic who belongs to the ngo, mang (laughs).
SSH:, if everyone do you survive?
Place: I know the fellow. Who doesn't know the tune, it's dead (laughing ruan)
SSH: why ' I like abusing people under those. Sat!
Davis: ' I won't do it because it's ... Adaptation is unknown. It is not enough that punishment nun here.
Find out how the Government is wrong. Bad economy made themselves very clear maeng.
Wish: ' I never think to tell anyone else?
Place: gumi to think why? ' I could not survive, this assistance was requested ro.
SSH: every parent gear teeth driven countries calling matong (yelling at one another)!
Place: people have different values. People with a lower value, it should convey a House.
SSH: ' it's so bad.
Place: gumi-bad!! But it was stupid '
(Quiet to two seconds).
Flash it. ..
Beer bottles to fight with the farmer's table.
And stab to the throat of the next start-up.
The blood flow is to spatter.
Start-up eye picked phlong with suspicion
What is wrong with him?
I am one with the farmer's eyes to Flash suddenly.
Before he walked out of the store to
And I believe ...
He was "the" as a new man.
... Completely.