Chion-in temple Inside
- Group of monks pray “Amita Buddha ”
- Chion-in garden
- People’s meditation and pray (send their prayers to the faraway Saiho Jodo Western Pure Land)
- The temple is surrounded by the building.
- Biography of Shotoku Taishi
- Architecture
01. Sanmon (Main Gate) (National Treasure) : Seated image of Shakyamuni Buddha / Shiraki-no-hitsugi (the Plain
wood coffins) 02. Mieido (Hall that Houses the Image of Honen)
03. Shuedo (Assembly Hall) : statue of Amida (Amitabha) / this building was used as a training area for monks
04. Amida-do (Amitabha Hall)
05. Kyozo (Sutra Repository) (Important Cultural Property, Closed to the Public) *** (Letter of Permission is