“. . . this new data provides
more proof of the critical
importance of the creative
sector to our city . . .
with 1 in every 15 workers,
48,900 jobs, 6.3% growth
over the last ten years,
$5 billion in direct output
and $2.7 billion in employee
earnings, the findings are a
powerful case for the value
of the creative sector.” (City
of Philadelphia, 2012: i)
“The challenge for the
community will be to maintain
the dialogue and to find new
avenues for cooperation and
collaboration once the project
has ended.” (Berkshire
Economic Development
“. . . this new data providesmore proof of the criticalimportance of the creativesector to our city . . .with 1 in every 15 workers,48,900 jobs, 6.3% growthover the last ten years,$5 billion in direct outputand $2.7 billion in employeeearnings, the findings are apowerful case for the valueof the creative sector.” (Cityof Philadelphia, 2012: i)“The challenge for thecommunity will be to maintainthe dialogue and to find newavenues for cooperation andcollaboration once the projecthas ended.” (BerkshireEconomic DevelopmentCorporation
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