In this paper, we study the application of geomorphology in planning. Since geomorphology is a science about the
changes in land features and geomorphic planning is a science that helps us find the best solutions for present land use
problems. Geomorphology uses different time scales for planning issues. Short term time scaling includes a 10 to 50
year period through which this science can play a significant role in issues such as site selection of many land uses.
Urban site selection, urban morphology, industrial and waste disposal site selection are among these land uses. We have
carried out research for a solid waste disposal site selection as a case study and the city of Bonab has been chosen as the
study region. This city has located in the southern part of East Azerbaijan Province, at 46':52" eastern longitude and
37':20" northern latitude. The topographic situation of the region, ecologic and economic problems with the current
location of the waste disposal site (such as its neighboring with faults, its proximity to surface waters and industrial
establishments and the steep slope of the area) have been the reasons of study. These issues necessitate thorough
investigations for waste disposal site selection in this region. The focus of this research is on demonstrating the
application and the importance of geomorphic studies in planning. We have considered geomorphic factors and subfactors
like rock, soil, slope, faults and unstable lands. In addition, ecologic and socio-economic factors and the element
of hydro-climate have also been considered. Using digital maps of the region and GIS software (Arc View and ArcGIS),
we have tried to determine the most appropriate waste disposal site with the least ecological, social and economic
threats. Using this method, we have selected 9 appropriate sites for waste disposal. The aim was choosing an optimum
solid waste site. The site proposed is located on the south-east of the city, 7 km from Malekan.