(SD) attendancewas 14.5 (4.5) and 15.4 (4.4) sessions, respectively.
Differences in weight, physical fitness, and diet among the randomized
groups were achieved. TABLE 2 displays intervention outcomes, and TABLE 3 lists the number of individuals who reached the intervention goals. Weight loss occurred in each group, including the advice only group. While changes in physical activity did not differ among the groups, fitness significantly improved in both behavioral interventions. Alcohol intakewas low and
did not change in any group. Mean reductions in urinary sodium excretion occurred in both behavioral interventions, but only the reduction in the established group differed significantly from that of advice only group. However, in both behavioral intervention groups, the percentage of individuals who achieved the trial goal of less than 100 mEq/d differed significantly from the advice only group (Table 3). Also, based on 24-hour dietary recall data, both behavioral interventions significantly reduced sodium intake in comparison with the advice only group (data not shown).