“I have no problem with using a mouse, or any other rodent you throw my way. Really though, whatever. Thomas, the senior manager, needs is what I try to do. Everyone is different, however. I’ve seen people here go out of their way to avoid using a computer altogether. Other people would prefer not to talk with human. In fact, they would very as happy as a puppy chewing on a new bedroom slipper if they could use command language to interact. I have a hunch they would prefer not talking to people at all, but that’s just an impression. Most of the folks we have here are open to new things. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be here at Memorial Hospital. We do pride ourselves on our creativity. I have signed up for a meeting with the people from the Training group, including Tom Ketchman (system analyst), Meilissa Smith (database administrator), and Kathy Blandford (graphic designer). You can invite anyone else you think should be included. They’ll be very curious to see what kind of interface you are suggesting for them on the new project reporting system.
Before I go to lunch, I have another question. Have you seen the interface of input screen as Figure1 and Figure2. What do you think about it? Is it good or bad design.”