In we opinion, training and development of the Naka Phuket is better than twin palm, because the Naka Phuket focus on the training and development both system and human. By track the movement of the current world like social online is very important, so they develop system (software and hardware) such as website of the hotel. Twin palm are weakness for training and development, but have training and develop in their own ways. The Naka Phuket has the orientation 2 times before starting work for readiness for training and do work of employees. They have training 1 time per month and must to according with rule, for develop and train abilities, skills, knowledge of employees before work. They use training methods, for example
- Audiovisual Training such as communication skill training.
- Computer-Base Training such as sale department trains about e-online on marketing online system, and HR department trains about send the information through electronic to social security office.
- On-the –Job Training such as accounting department trains about to close new budgets.
- Action Learning such as maid trains about flower arranging training and folding a cloth.
Then after training have implementing the training program, supervisor observe performance of employees that work is good or not. If their work are poor, they must to training again. The Naka Phuket has develop abilities, knowledge, skills, and performance of employees for can growing in the field, work better, and the organization has been the trust from our customers. The organization use 360-degree feedback, it is very important and the best for assessment. It makes to know the weakness and strength for can adjust and develop performance employees are better.
Twin palm has a few activities for training and doesn’t use 360-degree feedback, but they use benefit is attraction, It makes employees must to practices and develop skills, knowledge, abilities, and performance by ourselves. For receive many benefit.