Financial assets are classified into
four categories:
► financial assets at fair value
through the profit or loss;
► held-to-maturity investments;
► loans and receivables; and
► available for sale financial assets.
In principle, investments in
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are outside the scope of IAS39.
(New standard IFRS9.4.1-4.4,5.2.1)
Financial assets are divided into debt instruments and equity instruments.
► Debt instruments (bonds,・loans
receivable etc.)
Debt instruments are measured at
amortised cost only if the
"business model" test and the
"characteristics of the financial asset test" are met and the fair value option is not applied. (hereinafter referred to as
► Equity instruments
On acquisition an equity
instrument, which is not held for
trading, can be designated as
measured at fair value through
other comprehensive income. In
all other cases, equity
instruments are measured at fair value through profit and loss.