We have been working in South Sudan to help deliver education to some of the most deprived communities in Africa
South Sudan flag
South Sudan currently suffers from some of the worst education access rates in the world. Female illiteracy hovers above 93 percent, and only 5 percent of young people graduate from high school.
Working together with a local charity, Brickworks, set up by volunteers John and Poppy Spens, African Revival has sponsored the vocational training of 10 students at Yei Vocational Training College for the past 3 years. Last year an exciting step forward was made when we built our first school in what was Sudan, working in partnership with CMS Ireland to bring the school from a state of extreme disrepair up to government standard. Since the creation of the newest country in the world, and together with Brickworks, we successfully finished a brand new three classroom block at Longamere School in South Sudan.