The population-based cancer registry
of Valdivia, included in the International Agency for
Research on Cancer system, covers 356 396 residents
of Valdivia Province, Southern Chile. We studied all
SC cases entered in this Registry during 1998-2002
(529 cases). Population data came from the Chilean
census (2002). Standardized incidence rates per
100 000 inhabitants (SIR) using the world population,
cumulative risk of developing cancer before age 75,
and rate ratios by sex, age, ethnicity and social factors
were estimated. Relative survival (Ederer Ⅱ method)
and age-standardized estimates (Brenner method)
were calculated. Specific survival rates (Kaplan-Meier)
were measured at 3 and 5 years and survival curves
were analyzed with the Logrank and Breslow tests.
Survival was studied in relation to demographics,
clinical presentation, laboratory results and medical
management of the cases. Those variables significantly
associated with survival were later included in a Cox
multivariate model.
The population-based cancer registryof Valdivia, included in the International Agency forResearch on Cancer system, covers 356 396 residentsof Valdivia Province, Southern Chile. We studied allSC cases entered in this Registry during 1998-2002(529 cases). Population data came from the Chileancensus (2002). Standardized incidence rates per100 000 inhabitants (SIR) using the world population,cumulative risk of developing cancer before age 75,and rate ratios by sex, age, ethnicity and social factorswere estimated. Relative survival (Ederer Ⅱ method)and age-standardized estimates (Brenner method)were calculated. Specific survival rates (Kaplan-Meier)were measured at 3 and 5 years and survival curveswere analyzed with the Logrank and Breslow tests.Survival was studied in relation to demographics,clinical presentation, laboratory results and medicalmanagement of the cases. Those variables significantlyassociated with survival were later included in a Coxmultivariate model.
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