Have you ever thought how many hobbies do you have in you life? Hobbies Some are fond of singing. Others like to draw pictures. Some collect stamps and old coins while others take interest in collecting poetry pieces or purchasing old books. The young are fond of playing outdoor games and visiting pictures. The old take delight in walking and gossiping. In short, there are as many hobbies as there are persons. for me, my hobby is Tree planting.
My hobby is something different from others. it is certain that every person has his or her own activities. some just do it at home. while i do outside home. I love gardening. I am so fond of it that it has become my life and breath. I cannot live without it. The flower, the grassy lawns and the young plants and trees have great influence upon me. My small garden is so lovely that I do something in it daily to add to its beauty. It takes most of my leisure time. I have prepared many beds and plots. Each bed is picture-like containing different kinds of flowers. In the plots there are different kinds of trees. The garden is surrounded by hedges. Seeing my great interest in gardening, my father has kept a gardener to guide me. The sight of flowers and the trees fills my heart with pleasure, because they are the fruit of my labour. I have learnt the art of vegetable cultivation. When my garden yields fruit and vegetables I feel proud . My good health makes me feel that no other physical exercise is so delightful as working in a garden. Again my hobby amuses me. It recreates my mind. Tree planting has become a very interesting subject for me.
On holidays in my garden. For me, it is a recreation of a visit to the cinema. Instead of being bored, I've found a way to enjoy my hobbies.Tree planting.