Blended learning is a new type of education prepared for a certain group by combining the positive aspects of
different learning approaches. Blended learning will provide a big convenience for the course to achieve its
target by combining the face to face interaction in traditional learning and time, place and material richness
provided by Web-based learning. Yılmaz & Orhan (2010) state that the best way to solve the lack of interaction
problem faced in technology-based learning is to blend traditional learning and online learning. Throne (2003)
emphasizes that the blending of these two learning approaches occurs by combining CD ROM, e-mail,
conference, online animation, audio message, multimedia technology and real classroom environment and he
states that it should be presented to the student with traditional classroom management and face to face learning.
From this point of view, Blended learning can be a good solution by offering different learning environments to
the students who have individual differences as well as approaches to learning.