. Owing to the shifting debate over time, many school systems have made major changes in the method they have used to teach early reading. Today, most teachers combine phonics with the elements of whole language that focus on reading comprehension. Yusuf (2004) advocated for a comprehensive reading programme that includes several different sub-skills. She called these a combined approach which gives a balanced literacy. Proponents of various approaches generally agree that a combined approach is important. A few Stalwarts favour isolated instruction in synthetic phonics and introduction to reading comprehension only after children have mastered sound-symbol correspondences. On the other side, some whole language supporters are unyielding in arguing that phonics should be taught little, but majority of authors endorse the phonics ideas; such as Bell, Chomsky, Crystal, and Torres, among others. E. Tips on Using Phonics to Teach Literacy: Reading In guiding pupils to understand what is taught to them in the classroom, the teacher would need to take the following steps as suggested by Oyetunde (2009). Step 1: Stating clear objectives The teacher should state his/her objectives in behavioural terms. He/she should then design learning activities that match each of the stated objectives in accordance with the age of the learner. For instance, a phonics lesson might have these objectives: (a) the pupil/student will demonstrate an understanding of the sounds by answering questions posed (b) pupils will be able to use two or more sounds and pronounce them accordingly. They can also be asked to combine sounds to form meaningful words. Step II: Pre-Pronunciation practice The teacher activates the pupil‟s background experience and guides them through a list of words as he/she pronounces them correctly, then learners repeat after the teacher. Step III: Pupils read one after another After the necessary pronunciation practice, the teacher may ask the pupils to point at the words, pronouncing them correctly. If a pupil cannot read the words on his/her own, then more practice still needs to be done. Step IV: Evaluation/Testing This is the stage for evaluating the pupil‟s mastery of some of the reading skills/ pronunciation drills the teacher has tried to inculcate. In Nursery/Primary School, the teacher can ask the learners to pronounce the words or write them in their books respectively. Learners may be asked to combine certain sounds to form a word. For example, the teacher may pronounce some sounds such as C, as “k”, A as /ae/, and he/she then tells them to generate the correct letters for this word. Step V: Follow-up Activities Whatever the teacher does to encourage pupils or students to use the skills developed during the lesson is useful. For instance, they could be asked to attempt using some of the difficult words that could not be tested during the lesson. This might give the pupils further practice with the use of pronunciation drills to further develop and enhance the skills. Through pronunciation activities, the child can be taught to develop skills based on interaction with practical materials such as apple, egg, cat, ant etc with the teacher serving as the stimulus.
VIII. CONCLUSION Early childhood education is very significant in the growth and development of the child. Relevant education at this level will lay a solid foundation on which future efforts of the child as a useful member of this community will depend. It is therefore, recommended here that phonics methodology be employed in teaching these children. Instead of teaching them how to read and master the 26 alphabets – ABC-Z, it is suggested here that the sounds derived from these letters are taught them. For example, the alphabet “A” can be realized in the following words: apple /ae/, arm /a:/ etc. The former is sharp and short while the latter is a long vowel and so are other letters. Furthermore, the C, Pronounced as “K” can be realized in these words – cake, lace, teach, etc. Emphasis here is and should be laid on the sounds. The teacher should be an authority in phonics so that the children are not misled. There
are cases where children may be tempted to call/pronounce the word „chief‟ as „keif‟ because the teacher has said „C‟ is pronounced as „K‟. So, care should be taken in this complex cases in order to guide and direct the learners aright. Also note that, children are constantly criticized if they cannot say something correctly and this is quite discouraging. Encouragement and praise, if used liberally, go a long way toward helping the child to develop adequate literacy skills.
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Hanna Onyi Yusuf is a seasoned Educationist and Administrator with the following qualifications; Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) 1984, Bachelor of Education degree (B.Ed) in Language Arts 1987, Master‟s degree in Teaching English as a second language (M.EdTESL) 1996, Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D) in Curriculum Studies in 2005.
Agnes Ovayioza Enesi has a PhD, M. Ed. and B. Ed. Degrees in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and Language Arts: English. She has teaching experience at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of Education. For the past 19 years to date, she lectures, supervise B. Ed. Projects, Masters Thesis and Doctoral dissertations in the department of Education, English and Literary Studies of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria.