Cymbopogoncitratus, Cymbopogongiganteus and Cymbopogonnardus leaves were
collected in September 2006 from Porto-Novo, Setto and Tori-Cada towns in southern of
Benin respectively, while Cymbopogon Schoenanthus leaves were sampled from Boukoumbé
town in northern of Benin in November 2006. All plants were identified at Abomey-Calavi
University National Herbarium and voucher specimen numbers: AA6456/HNB,
AA6457/HNB, AA6458/HNB and AA6459/HNB respectively, were deposited.
Extraction of the essential oils: The leaves were air-dried at room temperature (17-20°C) and
were distilled for 3h using a Clevenger type apparatus. The essentials oils collected at the end
of this process were dried with anhydrous sodium sulphate prior to their use in the analysis of
volatile compounds.
Cymbopogoncitratus, Cymbopogongiganteus and Cymbopogonnardus leaves werecollected in September 2006 from Porto-Novo, Setto and Tori-Cada towns in southern ofBenin respectively, while Cymbopogon Schoenanthus leaves were sampled from Boukoumbétown in northern of Benin in November 2006. All plants were identified at Abomey-CalaviUniversity National Herbarium and voucher specimen numbers: AA6456/HNB,AA6457/HNB, AA6458/HNB and AA6459/HNB respectively, were deposited.Extraction of the essential oils: The leaves were air-dried at room temperature (17-20°C) andwere distilled for 3h using a Clevenger type apparatus. The essentials oils collected at the endof this process were dried with anhydrous sodium sulphate prior to their use in the analysis ofvolatile compounds.
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