Therefore the zither is also a legacy inheritance of the Seven Profound Valleys, and has been passed down from generation to generation to the present day. Because of this, it is an established department in the Seven Profound Martial House!
But the difficulties of the zither are too many to count. The talent required was unbearably high, but the user also had to have a calm and regal temperament. Due to these requirements, this department of the Seven Profound Martial House had always been lonesome compared with the more popular departments. The vast majority, at least 99 percent of those who came to study the zither were women who came to cultivate their character and instrument skills, and held neither interest in bloody killing nor interest in the extreme studying of martial arts.
Lin Ming immediately set off. His destination was the Zither Department’s Public Lecture Hall where they publicly lectured!
Each year, the Seven Profound Martial House that was set up in the Sky Fortune Kingdom selected top tier talents to enter the Seven Profound Valleys. At the request of the royal family, the Seven Profound Martial House also gave special permissions to non-students to enter the public halls where they were able to attend lectures.