1. Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius
2. Put the syrup and butter in a small saucepan. Heat gently, uncovered, stirring, until the butter has just melted. Take the saucepan off the heat and stir in the biscuit crumbs. Devide the mixture between the sections of the prepared tin. Press it firmly over the base and sides of the tin with the back of a teaspoon.
3. Line the cases with baking paper and baking beans, then bake them in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes, or until slightly darker in colour. Leave to cool and harden in the tin for 10-15 minutes. Remove the paper and beans.
4. Put the coconut into a mixing bowl and pour over the boiling water. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. Put the sugar, corn flour, plain flour and egg yolks in a separate mixing bowl and beat together.
5. Pour the milk into a small saucepan , bring just to the boil, then gradually whisk it into the egg yolk mixture until smooth. Return the milk mixture to the saucepan and cook over medium heat, whisking, until thick. The sauce will suddenly thicken, and as it does you may find it easier to turn the heat right down to low so that you can whisk out any lumps quickly. Stir in the soaked coconut and the lime rind, cover the surface with wetted baking paper and leave to cool.
6. Loosen the pie cases with a round-bladed knife and carefully lift out of the tin. Spoon in the coconut filling.
7. Whip the cream until it just forms soft swirls, then fold in the vanilla extract and sugar. Spoon this over the tops of the pies, then decorate with desiccated coconut.