Summary of Levels for Mathematics Problem-Solving
The expectations of a student performing at each level of the mathematics problem-solving component are:
Level One
Find single solutions to one-step problems using obvious algorithms and a Limited range of whole numbers.
Uses one case to establish a proof.
Level Two
Makes a choice of algorithms to find a solution to :
a) Multi-step problems, using limited range of whole numbers or
b) One-step problems, using rational numbers.
Uses more than one particular case to establish a proof.
Uses common vocabulary to present solutions.
Level Three
Choose from two algorithms to find a solution to a multi-step problems, Using limited range of rational numbers.
Uses necessary and sufficient cases to establish a proof.
Uses mathematical vocabulary, imprecisely, to present solutions.
Level Four
Adapts one or more algorithms to find a solution to a multi-step problems, Using the full range of rational numbers.
Constructs structured proofs that may lack some details.
Uses mathematical and common vocabulary correctly, but solutions may lack Clarity for the external reader.
Level Five
Creates original algorithms to find solutions to multi-step problems, using The full range of rational numbers.
Constructs structured proofs that provide full justification of each step Uses mathematical and common vocabulary correctly, and provides clear and precise solutions.