JANET WALSH. Marketing and Usage in Historically Black College and
University Libraries 2000-2008 (under the direction of DR. ELENI COUKOS
The academic library has experienced overall growth and decline based
on demographics, technology, and convenience, yet several problems face
academic libraries today including: (a) perceived relevance, (b) market share,
and (c) competition. The purpose of this study was to explore marketing
activities and library usage in HBCU libraries. The following research
questions were explored: (a) To what extent, if any, did information use
cause gate counts, reference transactions, and print circulation statistics to
grow or decline in HBCU libraries between 2000-2008? (b) What specific
marketing activities were employed by HBCU libraries to influence
information needs, information seeking, and information use amongst
patrons? (c) To what extent, if any, is there a relationship between
marketing strategies and information behavior as indicated by print
circulation statistics, gate counts, and reference transactions? (d) Is there a
significant difference in information use as indicated by print circulation
statistics, gate counts, and reference transactions based on total student
Data were gathered from the National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES) Academic Library Survey, and the Academic Library Marketing
Activity (A.LM.A.) survey, which was developed by the researcher. Data on
library usage transactions (i.e., print circulation statistics, gate counts, and
reference transactions) were extracted from NCES for 95 HBCU libraries.
Data on the marketing activities at HBCU libraries were received from 43
participants who responded to the A.L.M.A. survey. The marketing activities
from the A.L.M.A. survey were coded and categorized into one of three
groups: distribution, communication, or motivation.
Results revealed both growth and decline over the 2000-2008 period,
and significant marketing activities involving distribution methods. Print
circulation statistics and reference transactions showed marked decreases,
while gate counts showed significant growth overall. The most important
conclusion regarding marketing activities showed that email and
announcements were the preferred method of promotion of library activities
and resources. The results revealed no statistically significant difference
between marketing activities and library usage. The findings of this study
suggest several possibilities for expanding library usage and marketing
activities including: management of existing library traffic and incorporation
of evolving technology for outreach and promotion.
Keywords: HBCU libraries, library usage, marketing in libraries