Very limited, but valuable research reported that the oil with long fatty acid chains (maize, sunflower, linseed oils etc.) needed only half of the reaction time required by oils with short carbon chains (coconut oil) to achieve maximum yield (Pinzi et al., 2011b). However, it was not safe to draw such conclusions based on the reported experiments, as coconut oil was the only oil with high saturation degree (89%) among the feedstocks of interest in this study. It is difficult to determine whether the chain length or saturation degree contributed to such a low conversion rate. Asakuma et al. (2009) studied the kinetics of transesterification and gave different statements. They concluded that the chain length and unsaturation degree had no significant effects on reaction rate. However, in another study conducted by Pinzi et al. (2011a), a correlation between optimized reaction temperature and unsaturation degree of the parent oils was established, indicating that highly unsaturated oils required lower reaction temperatures.