By the beginning of the twentieth century more new magazines devoted to fashion, needlework and household management appeared in Russia. The most popular magazines in those years include "House Seamstress," "Ladies' World", "Hostess", "Fashion for All" and "The Magazine for Housewives." They were still published by men, but the content was of universal nature, from new books and tips on housekeeping to the amusement games and pictures of Parisian fashion.
After 1917 Soviet women were offered "ideologically correct" journals "Female Worker" and "Peasant Woman" that had a goal of protecting the interests of working women's movement. However, in the 1930s these publications started featuring articles about cosmetics, hygiene and physical education, a variety of recipes and even fashion dresses patterns.
In the past 300 years, fashion magazines have changed a great deal from outside. Yet, the basic topics remain the same - how to become beautiful, loved and happy.