Some support was found for the general model of life insurance ownership status as presented in this article. Of the factors in the model, change in net worth provided the most intriguing insight into the motivation to change the value of life insurance owned. Those who experienced an increase in net worth were more likely to purchase additional life insurance. On the other hand, respondents who reported either no change or a decrease in net worth were more apt to reduce current levels of life insurance. These findings argue against assertions made in the literature that the consumption of insurance stabilizes, and in some cases increases, as socioeconomic security decreases. Li et al. (2007), for example, noted that in countries where expenditures on social programs have increased, the consumption of life insurance to decrease. Much of the literature that shows such an association to tends be based on macroeconomic measures. This study is among the first to indicate that the social security" (Li et al., 2007, p. 641) anomaly may be strictly true only in e where social welfare programs are predominant. In economies where social welfare pro- grams are not universally common or substantial, consumers may estimate that insurance i worthwhile expenditure to protect increased wealth from a shock. Stated another findings from this study indicate that life insurance a a complementary element associated with wealth