Battle wounds and booboo's don't phase me...unless they prevent me from traveling or taking part in an adventure or activity. Last week I got hit by a car on a motorcycle, and flew 10 feet off of it, and while miraculously I didn't break anything or hit my head, I did get pretty bad road rash all down my left arm, Not only does no one want to see the gross gaping holes in my shoulder and wrist, but the pain and inability to fully use my left arm made it hard for me to partake in the adventurous activities I typically get myself into.
Granted injuries are typically bound to happen to me due to my vigorous style of traveling (and living in general), but it just sucks a little more that they can literally impair and affect the work that I do as a travel blogger. It's also really awkward when you have multiple people asking "What happened to your shoulder" because you're forced to wear a giant ugly Band-Aid over your road rash.