Meeting the Challenge
OCLC is building on our experience providing COUNTER-compliant statistics for OCLC’s
discovery solution, via our own SUSHI server, to support deeper analysis via third-party
e-resource usage statistics. Our future analytics service will aggregate COUNTER compliant statistics from multiple sources, including third-party content providers.
When a library makes the difficult decision to cancel titles or packages, we can help automate some of the related processes, for example by automatically removing holdings in WorldCat, or outputting a delete MARC record. License Manager will provide quick answers to questions about cost-per-use and archival access, and will update the knowledge base and WorldCat accordingly.
Ultimately, statistics support both libraries’ collection development decisions, and libraries themselves—providing quantifiable evidence about the reach and use of electronic materials by stakeholders
Meeting the Challenge
OCLC is building on our experience providing COUNTER-compliant statistics for OCLC’s
discovery solution, via our own SUSHI server, to support deeper analysis via third-party
e-resource usage statistics. Our future analytics service will aggregate COUNTER compliant statistics from multiple sources, including third-party content providers.
When a library makes the difficult decision to cancel titles or packages, we can help automate some of the related processes, for example by automatically removing holdings in WorldCat, or outputting a delete MARC record. License Manager will provide quick answers to questions about cost-per-use and archival access, and will update the knowledge base and WorldCat accordingly.
Ultimately, statistics support both libraries’ collection development decisions, and libraries themselves—providing quantifiable evidence about the reach and use of electronic materials by stakeholders
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