Dear Khun Jakkrit and Ney,
Thank you for replying, krub.
Infact we met you , Jakkrit last June 2013 when we visited AGLC to take a look and also did a small tour of KhaoYai.
We stayed in KhaoYai for one night.
For this time because of time constraint we are only doing a day trip- go and return the same day. Our focus is SURE Residence.
SURE was not ready when we last visited and I understand from Brian ( Singapore ) that is is now fully constructed ready and we are looking forward to seeing it.
There are 3 of us ( 1 couple + 1 male friend ) for the moment, another Thai friend may join us.
I assume that the 3,500THB minivan/taxi is for 2 ways from BKK-AGLC-BKK?
We will be staying at Trendy Condo on Sukhumvit Soi 13.
To do the 1 day on the 14th June , what time shall we arrange to be picked up at Trendy?