Role ofAbdillahandKhalifah:Humans must carry out This does not mean discrimination since Allah s.w.t
their two major responsibilities, which are Abdillahand
Khalifah. Allah s.w.tsays in Surah Al-Baqarahverse 30
that He would create mankind to be the vicegerent:
“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a
vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place
therein one who will make mischief therein and shed
blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify
Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not.”
However, the angels inquired why Allah s.w.tcreated
humans as Khalifahas they will do injustice and mischief
on earth. Allahs.w.tanswered that He knows what they
do not know.
Allahs.w.tsent His Prophets among the mankind to
guide them. Thus, in dealing with ICT tools, humans must
ensure that its use and development enhance their role
as the Abdillahand Khalifah.ICT development and
deployment must adhere to the guidance from Allah s.w.t.
A direct example is the development of a system that
triggers and alerts users the time for prayers and to
identify the direction of Qiblahetc.
Khalifatullah:The wordkhalifahalso refers to the
successor or representative of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
This person acts as the head of state for the Muslim
Ummah. Another title for the Khalifah(Caliph) is Amir
Al-Mu'mineen, which means 'the leader of the believers'.
Nevertheless, the definition ofkhalifahis not confined
to leaders only [3].
Allahs.w.tsays that all humans are considered as
khalifahwhich means that they representatives of Allah
on earth:“He it is who hath placed you as viceroys of
the earth and hath exalted some of you in rank above
others, that He may try you by (the test of) that which He
hath given you.” (Al-An’am:165)
Each human must observe and is held responsible for
his/her actions. Humans must be aware what the lawful
actions and the prohibited actions are according to the
Islamic Law. Thus, the adoption and implementation of an
information system in an organisation must adhere to
Islamic law and rulings, like not creating digital divide or
gap among the employees etc.
Each person is created differently from one another
even though one’s siblings are from the same parents or
twins. Allah s.w.thas His reasons and rationale behind
every creation. In Surah Az-Zukhrufverse 23, Allah s.w.t
explains the rationale for man to be of different rankings:
“It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood
in this world and We raised some of them above others
in ranks, so that some may employ others in their work.”
mentioned in theayahabove that people should help,
assist and facilitate one another in good works.
Thus, technological innovations must develop systems
for disabled people (special people) as well. Examples are
the sign language system for the mute and audio
interfaces for the blind. In this manner, the integration of
information leading to knowledge and skills will be
complete as it comes from qualified people despite one’s
Islamic Science Beyond the Centuries:Allah s.w.tsays
in Surah Ali-Imran verse 110: “You are the best
community evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right
and forbidding what is wrong”
Guided by the word of God and the Prophet, the
Muslim community has a mission to create a moral social
order [4]. This command has influenced Muslims to
practice good deeds throughout the centuries, providing
a rationale for political and moral activism. From as tiny as
an atom to as enormous as a rocket, Muslims lead the
nation to discover new things. That tradition and culture
should continue. Muslim ICT experts must invent and
venture into the computerisation of Islamic products like
the electronic Islamic banking or Islamic mobile banking.
Following the footsteps of al-Kindi, Muslim ICT experts
should also embark on cryptography, security and its
ICT experts should discover the technological
innovations and the gap that these inventions could be
extended further and/or discover the alternative
technological devices. The underlying principle must stay
the same, i.e. the ethics and Islamic ICT philosophy.
Guiding Principles in Ict Based on Islamic Teachings:
From the Islamic perspective, guiding principles in ICT
must be based on Islamic Philosophy which is from
al-Qur’anand as-Sunnah. There are three divisions
derived from the ICT guiding principles: ethics, security
and privacy.
Al-Qur’an, the Absolute Information “Knowledge Base”:
Al-Qur’anis the book of guidance. Allah s.w.t says in
Surah Al-Baqarah verses 1-2: “Alif Lam Mim. This is the
Book, in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those
Who fear Allah.”
TheQur’anthe most sacred book for Muslims, is the
most complete and comprehensive guidance for people
to refer to. It comprises all aspects in human life including
biology, ICT, laws, social, politics, business, economics,