Over the years, the United States and the EU have attempted to resolve this dispute through a
series of WTO dispute consultations, settlement panels, arbitration proceedings, and formal
appeals. One of the earlier WTO panel decisions in 1997 ruled against the EU on the grounds that
the ban is inconsistent with the EU’s WTO obligations under the Sanitary and Phytosanitary
(SPS) Agreement because the EU had not conducted a risk assessment. In response, the EU
commissioned studies and reviews to address the scientific basis of its ban on hormone-treated
meat. Following each of these reviews, the EU reaffirmed its position that there are possible risks
to human health associated with hormone-treated meat, given the available scientific data. The
EU claims it has complied with its WTO obligations and has challenged the United States for
maintaining its prohibitive import tariffs on EU products. The United States disputes whether the
EU has conducted an adequate risk assessment to support its position and maintains there is a
clear worldwide scientific consensus supporting the safety to consumers of eating hormonetreated
meat. In October 2008, the WTO issued a mixed ruling allowing the United States to
continue its trade sanctions, but allowing the EU to maintain its ban.