When we analyse correlation table in order to determine the correlation between
internal and external factors we find these results: At .01 significiance level
there is positive and almost high correlation ; between organizational mission/purpose
and changes in technology (.462; .000); and changes in national economy
(.455; .000). Also at .01 significance level there is positive and almost high correlation
between organizational strategy/objectives and changes in technology (.460;
.001); and changes in the national economy (.409; .000). There is positive correlation
between actions of corporate headquarters and influence of legislation/regulation
at .01 significance level (.352; .07). At .05 significance level; there is
significant, positive correlation between influence of size of the organization and
influence of organizational mission/purpose (.27; .04) and actions of corporate
headquarters (.284; .031); and at .01 significance level between organizational strategy/objectives
(.35; .007).