Mass transfer in potato slices and strips after Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) treatment was examined to evaluate potential application of PEF in potato processing. PEF treatment on cell material leads to pore formation in cell membrane and thus modifies diffusion of intra- and extracellular media. Results showed enhanced release of intracellular molecules from permeabilized tissue as well as improved uptake of low molecular substances into the sample. Sugar, one substrate for the Maillard reaction, was decreased in PEF treated potatoes, while conductivity increased after electroporation and soaking in sodium chloride solution, indicating the improved diffusion of salt caused by PEF. Higher release of cell liquid during drying of PEF treated potatoes was noticed in comparison to untreated potato slices. This effect increased with the treatment intensity. Furthermore, it was revealed that PEF application leads to a distinct reduction of fat content after deep fat frying and thus provides a potential for the production of low-fat French fries. It can be presumed that PEF is a capable assistance to thermal treatments in the processing of potato chips or French fries for the achievement of structural modifications and improved process conditions.