5 Conclusion
In this paper, AHP has been used to determine the weights
of the attributes and SAW, TOPSIS, and GRA techniques
have been used for handoff decision. Performance analysis
of MADM techniques shows that same network is selected
by all methods. Therefore, all techniques are effective for
handoff decision. GRA does not require a Saaty’s scale of
importance. Therefore, it is less complex and probability of
error is also less. SAW method is widely used and the best
known method. It is very simple and easy to implement.
TOPSIS is one of the best methods because the best
alternative is closest to positive ideal solution but farthest
from negative ideal solution. Numerical results show that a
relative standard deviation of SAW, TOPSIS, and GRA are
41.03, 56.222, and 20.355 % respectively. Relative standard
deviation is maximum in TOPSIS, making it the best
choice for handoff decision algorithm.